Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More upward fun

Whipped off for a bit of the old pseudo-climbing. A bit later our garden elf arrived, and began whaling away on the grounds. It's chilly, and getting chillier.
Watched a horrific program on the East German athletic doping system in the 70's-90's. I had to leave at times, when the Nazi doctors rationalized the abuse of the youngsters. It was an efficient system, just like the death camps were. The people who survived are now suffering all manner of results, from gender changes to debilitating diseases. We kept wondering aloud, For what? Dominance of a purportedly amateur athletic event? Ultimately, it seems to me the people kept their kids in those programs so they would get food. Many of the child athletes might not have known anything, but their parents must have eventually. Breathtakingly appalling.


Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Remember all the jokes about the Eastern European women athletes? Yeah. Maybe not so funny now.

9:50 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Good grief no. You should have seen the anguish some of these victims are experiencing, along with the bodily ailments. It's not just a risible matter of extra hair in various places, it's having your entire system totally fucked up beyond your control.

10:24 AM  

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