Sunday, October 05, 2008

Wee hours' distress

Around two this morning, the sound of a huge vehicle rumbling up our block yanked me out of dreamland. I looked out to see a fire engine parked in front of our house, and personnel heading into a house across the street. A woman in her early forties who had a baby boy five weeks ago had suffered an aneurysm, and was taken of for emergency surgery. They also have a four-year-old boy; the in-laws came down to help with the kids. The in-laws have all the wrong bumper stickers on their car, but I have reached across the aisle to help.


Blogger robin andrea said...

How very sad for the whole family. Reaching across the aisle is a good thing.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Oh, dear. I hope she'll be OK.

And Goo Gone should help get those bumperstickers right off. You know, if you're up late and have nothing better to do...

1:32 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Her husband told me today that the docs have been bringing her out of sedation a bit to check on body movement, which has been promising, but it may be weeks before they van be sure she's really recovering. Fricking scary and awful.

4:16 PM  

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