Thursday, November 27, 2008

And now you must enter the oven

So the little eleven pound turkey did, and got itself cooked to perfection. All the side dishes were delicious, including stuffing made from home made bread and cornbread; the gingerbread looked fine, but we were too full to even eat dessert, except for the nonegenarian, who always has room for a bit of ice cream after dinner. Just out litle family quorum, but pleasant and undramatic. After dinner walking to tamp things down was welcome. It looked like snow, but will be rain tomorrow.


Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

There's always room for ice cream!

3:58 PM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

Sounds like a nice, quiet Thanksgiving. We spent the afternoon with friends. We brought the roasted chicken and potato latkes. Good conversation and much to be thankful for. No ice cream, though. Drats.

5:54 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Not this time!

Mmm, potato latkes. I haven't had any of those since I left college...

10:11 AM  

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