Thursday, March 12, 2009

Catching up

The hair was out of control, kind of like grass fields gone wild, so I settled in for a couple hours of brush management. The stylist I've been going to for several years said they're experiencing a dramatic downturn in business; people are telling them they want to "go natural" rather than pay for color, or let their tresses grow longer. Clients are generally more down and outright depressed, and my stylist friend is tired of hearing about the economy. The seepage from the damage of the last eight years of looting and plunder is a rising tide that will not float any boats. It's more like a sewer backing up into flood conditions.
Traveled over to pay a call to my friend with the broken leg. Their four year old daughter has been announcing to all who come within hearing range that "My mom broke her FE-mur!" The afflicted person has no cast, rather a long rod down the middle of the bone, and several screws and pins, described in knee-buckling detail by her doctor partner. What a brush back, for an active person; six weeks on crutches, with only "toe pressure" on the leg. She remarked that she hoped to be back in some kind of action before winter came again. The fall she took was actually more like twenty feet, as it turns out, and as she observed, she's fucking fortunate not to be paralysed or dead. Their humor seems to be good, but I hope the coming weeks of tedious healing don't drag them down.


Blogger robin andrea said...

It's tough for an active person to be down. I hope she finds something physical to do that will satisfy, even if only a small way, that desire.

Yeah, the economy. My twin brother tells me that his commute has gotten a full fifteen minutes shorter because there is less traffic.

7:50 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Yeah, I'm thinking she needs to get a bench and some weights... some sit and be fit kind of activities.
Where does your brother live?

7:40 PM  

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