Wednesday, May 13, 2009

slow down

Our dear nonegenarian seems to be easing into another slower mode. Not sure what it's about.
Getting my hair trimmed the other day at a drop-in barber shop, I received a segment of life story from the stylist. He has gone into working mostly on little old ladies in a retirement place, and had some gently humorus tales of these people's travails. One woman, whilst he was massaging her head during a shampoo, began moaning rather loudly, and finally blurted out,"Oh, I could just take you back to my room! Kitchen!" This guy is no young dude, but to the white-haired elderly, he's hot, evidently.


Blogger robin andrea said...

Hope all is okay with your mom. That is quite a story from the barber.

8:16 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Thanks, robin a. It seems to have been a case of weather-induced blues.

9:55 AM  

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