Monday, July 11, 2011

Musical doings

A jam-packed weekend, with two parades and a halftime show for the Seattle Storm, the women's pro basketball team; the latter was quite exciting and enjoyable. I had thought it would get boring after halftime, but they played very well and we stayed to see the whole thing. Lots of fans, much hoopla. And they gave us all kinds of teeshirts and jerseys.
Lovely evening tonight with a couple of friends from the band; we went to a jazz show by the Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra, also known as SWOJO. Another band friend plays trumpet and flugelhorn in this group, and holy shit, were they fine. We left after two sets and they still had one to go. Not a bunch of corny standards, lots of pieces I'd never heard before, plenty challenging. So inspiring, makes you want to practice harder...


Anonymous Phil said...

I practiced tonight...

11:05 PM  

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