Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Purportedly it's June...

We suffered along with more coldness and wetness, until finally we were rewarded with a perfect weekend. We have decided we like the relative coolness and moisture, compared to places like Boaz, Alabama, where a band buddy recently visited his family and endured 98-100 degrees of heat and who knows what kind of concomitant humidity, only to return to the coolness and all-embracing wetness of the Seattle area and realizing he really belonged here. We will survive, while Arizona and other places perish in wildfires and swarms of killer bees. Mother Earth will punish the assholes...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a balance between the scorching heat and the endless gray and chill would be lovely. If you know where that might be, would you let me know!

7:58 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Somewhere over the rainbow, robin...

8:57 PM  

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