Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Parades and markets

Yesterday evening we dodged heavy rain to perform our first marching band parade of the season, in the neighborhood where our rehearsal space is in the basement of a church.  It honored their ice cream social, and despite the chilly wet air, the neighbors came out to cheer us onward.  Once we got moving, we managed to keep warm, thanks to a few layers of fleece beneath our not so crisp white shirts.  Bandmates seem to be very enthusiastic, and I hope that attitude persists.
Today was the second nearby farmers' market, and there was everything from apples, dried beans and fresh cheese, butter and eggs to that delicious organic wine from Lopez Island called Madeleine Angevine.  It's named after the grapes used to make itm and it is scrumptious, everything the woman selling it described by way of flavor.  Fresh bagels topped off my haul.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, you remind me that we should be checking out our local farmers' market. Always nice to see what's growing in the lower elevations. We've still got baby starts of tomatoes, basil, and red peppers we haven't planted yet. Soon, though, very soon.

2:45 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Sweet, Robin! I've decided that they grow such fabulous tomatoes in Eastern Washington, I'm just going to buy them at the market and not struggle with them in the backyard...

9:38 PM  

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