Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Gray day

Starting out slowly, but a couple of hits of that maple butter I found yesterday at the Iwajimaya's store in the international District is starting to course through my veins, so I'll be up and running shortly. Maybe another little taste...
A wild day for weather extremes: Gray in the morning; sunny and windy as I ran down to the Nautilus gym, but as I looked behind me, I saw a black wall advancing, which by the time I was safely inside, dispensed several minutes' worth of hail. Half an hour later, things were sunny and bright again, but as I ran up the hill towards home, another wall of blackness swept in, dumping rain just as I reached my front porch.
Rest of the afternoon, fairly uneventful. Clear again around 5:00, so I walked over to the supermarket to get a few items we can't live without, such as dinner fixings and nonpareil capers in white balsamic vinegar. Oh, yeah, and bananas.
Got to bed early with the journey to Portugal, since I'm getting up earlier than usual for Hair Beautification. At about 11:30, the dog next door woke me up with its crappy yipping, so I called the neighbors and asked nicely if they would please take her inside.


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