Month's end
Extremely disgusted over a newspaper headline which declared that "We've" messed up in Iraq; no, not "we", White(house) boys. Stupid arrogant leaders of the USA. YOU are the ones who fucked up from the start, from pre 9/11. From pre 2000. If at least one of this lot isn't charged and tried for war crimes, justice will forever be sham. We could probably get at least one neocon pundit, for blaming us "hippies" for losing in Iraq. Unfuckingbelievable.
Dito. Oh, most certainly, DITTO! Our illustrious leaders did not just make horrific mistakes, I believe they forfeited the future of our country. Unfuckingbelieveable, indeed.
Of course it's "our" fault. Somehow we hippies, with out infinite power, our control of the entire world, have managed to lose another war. We're incredible. If only the conservatives ran everything... oh wait.
Unfuckingbelievable. I hate these people.
That's a pretty hot political post for the usual LtS location. Right On! Sister. Blog away!
Blog on all.
Mfm, I thought similarly during the Reagan years, but this time around, the looting has been so much worse.
Robin, I do too, always have. Was scolded for my "lack" of respect and cordiality. Now it's prime time news, the Iraq debacle is..A DEBACLE! Bush lied! Who'da thunk it?
Well, 'spike, how can the crimes and bunglings of this lot ever be far from the front of a caring person's mind? It's just difficult for me to go on at length about it the way people who are into deep analysis of the situation can and do. I keep wanting to get at the roots of this nightmare.
Nomomashte - or some such Japanese slogan refers to transplanting the trees and to be sure to pull the roots out and carefully bind them so they can grow once transplanted. I'm in favor of just cutting it off and pulling the roots so this rot doesn't spread
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