Longer nights
Darker walks; lovely last evening, calm water on Lake Union, silvery and reflecting city and boat lights. The shrinking moon soared along, illuminating quilted clouds; so pleasant not to fight against wind and rain as we headed uphill.
My mom and I have decided Al Gore should be immediately awarded the leadership position he was cheated out of, and the criminals in power should be sent to Gitmo to be rendered. Renditioned. Whatever works.
My mom and I have decided Al Gore should be immediately awarded the leadership position he was cheated out of, and the criminals in power should be sent to Gitmo to be rendered. Renditioned. Whatever works.
Last night, our moon was the opposite of yours...a massive orb that my wife commented "looks like a Halloween moon" because of all the beads of clouds drifting in front of it. Oh, and I like 'renditioned.' Perfect.
I hope the pick Al Gore for Time's person of the year. That would make me smile for weeks. He deserves the honor.
Yes, take this whole administration and put them away for the rest of their miserable life. Have them in a room and play a loud recording of people screaming as they died. They need to experience in some way what they have caused.
Rendered into what is a good question, no?
How about missionaries to the Iraq they created to either help fix it or become another statistic...whatever the Iraqi people decide to do.
Power to the people!
Mr. Musings, "renditioning" is the actual verb the Bush crew has used regarding sending anyone they've rounded up to places where they are tortured, so that Condi may state "We do not torture." What she did not continue to say was, "We farm it out..."
Pop, if somehow they all get away to oh, say, Paraguay,we need someone like Simon Wiesenthal to hunt them down...
Yeah, kathyr, like the guy in "1984" was re-educated, in Room 101...
Yes, 'spike, excellent idea! PERMANENT community service!
Rendered into what is a good question, no?
a rich, golden, nutritious oil full of omega-3s with a nutty taste.
that is if they can filter out the poisond :)
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