Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cool mornings

Warm afternoons; planting more items, scrounging out the weeds, and we topped it off with an early evening sushi fest and a fine walk.
Newly begun book: a collection of Anton Chekov's stories and a couple of plays. Just broke into the fine introduction by the translator.


Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

You seem to be reading a lot of collections lately, rather than novels or big nonfiction things. Any particular reason?

8:31 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Oh, I read Memoirs of Hadrian, which is a novel, as well as two Angela Carter novels, and The Well of Loneliness. I did read two collections, nonfiction and short fiction, by Carter, since I wanted to get a sense of her as a writer.
I try to find collections by good writers for my mom, kathy, since she has trouble remembering all the stuff in a full length novel, so I do end up reading those, too.

11:07 AM  

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