Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mixed with hail?

The day went awry, veering into intense rain heralded by a barrage of hail. I'll have to concede that this is a bad start to the summer, but the plant life appears to be benefiting from it.
Off to a friend's for dinner and a documentary.


Blogger Imperatrix said...

Oh, but rainy is my favorite weather. Things always seem so fresh after a rain. I suppose you may be tired of rain, living where you do.

what documentary are you seeing?

7:20 PM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

Sunday's weather was quite intense and wild. I liked it better than the cloudy dreariness that we usually get. The garden did love all that rain, and we didn't have to water.

So, what documentary did you see? We downloaded Sicko. Highly recommended. A fantastic film.

7:37 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

imp, this area actually has less total rain than say, Pittsburgh or Chattanooga, it's just spread out more.

Robin and imp, we watched "McLibel"
with our friend. It's about two Brits who take on McDonald's in a LONG libel suit.

9:01 PM  

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