Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hiking ahoy

Tomorrow we plan to get up before dawn to head to the Cascades for hiking and climbing: The hike is the Pacific Crest Trail to Kendall Catwalk and beyond, the climb is Mount Thompson, a moderate peak along the way. We shall see what transpires.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

I envy you having hiking weather. It's in the 90s here and that's not even walking weather. Have fun!

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh. Have fun. Take pictures. Can you take pictures when you're hanging off of a peak? Never mind.

7:10 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Pop, the weather was stellar, the morning seven mile approach, lovely. The climb, fun. The rest of it - well, let's just say I feel ancient and sore today. And I just had a very strange dizzy spell.

KathyR, it was fun, until the painful return trip to the car. Nope, no pics of my buddy an dme hanging off the little peak, but it was a fun climb.

10:23 AM  

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