Monday, February 25, 2008

Don't go in the water...

The birthday girl's been receiving piles of greetings; the loudest one came from my sister and her family. It's one of those cards with music; this one has a cartoon shark fin on the front, and the sentence,"You know it's coming." When you open it, the ominous strains of the shark theme from "Jaws" peal forth. The cat was sitting on her lap when she opened it, and he did a classic cartoon double-take before he leaped away. She said it's a bit alarming, but every once in a while you can hear the big fish's approach...
Cake-baking must proceed tomorrow.


Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Hmm. What if it really was just a big fish...?

Happy birthday to your mom!

8:06 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Depends on the fish! Thanks, kathyr. I'll relay that wish.

9:02 PM  

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