Sunday, January 18, 2009

Carpe sol

So we did; the nonegenarian volunteered for a second perambulation, as did the cat. He was exhausted for the rest of the evening. We were so glad to have more sunshine.
Sad news from a distant friend. His partner of twenty years died far sooner than they'd hoped, of a malignant brain tumor. For all his bravado and wild wit in the past, he was prepared to see her through whatever happened. It may be good there wasn't an extended horrific demise, as it possibly would have worn him out. They'd put off official marriage for years, but discovered that in the particular Southern state where they'd been living, if two people - heterosexual, of course - can show they've been living together as if in marriage, they are thus common law spouses. No time span required. They are not much older than we are, and it makes the heart ache.


Blogger robin andrea said...

I'm so glad you have some sunshine, isabelita.

So sorry to hear about your friend and the loss of his partner. We just heard from a dear old friend of Roger's and learned that their 32 year old son was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. It was quickly removed, but it turned out to be a metastatic melanoma. Not the best diagnosis. It's truly a heartbreak.

6:26 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Anything under 85 is too young...

10:17 AM  

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