Friday, January 16, 2009

Two quarts down

Viral invaders are stalking us; haven't quite managed to slough them off. The day is blurry and sloggy. Reading about a guy's project of rescuing chimpanzees from hideous conditions in research labs is kind of distracting. It's called Next of Kin, and the subject is interesting, although the writing, an "as told to" format, isn't all that great. Similar to Three Cups of Tea, which concerns the riveting issue of educating girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan; something about having someone else write one's story seems to dilute the quality of the prose.


Blogger robin andrea said...

I've been seeing photos of glorious sunshine in Seattle. I hope you can get out and take a good long walk in it.

9:51 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

T'is true, and we will do so!

12:01 PM  

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