Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Underneath it all

Another good climbing session, which always makes us feel taller and younger. Lovely illusion, like any exercise-induced high. So much wind and rain and melting snow coming down from the mountains, huge swathes of the state are under water via rivers you don't hear much about the rest of the year. Slushball Earth is on the roll.


Blogger robin andrea said...

An incredible winter you are having up there. Just saw that I-5 could be closed in some parts for three days. I did read that there is sunshine heading your way, though. I hope it lasts a good long time. Stay warm and dry.

1:17 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

It's not flooded around our neighborhood, except for numerous gigantic puddles and swampy areas.
Gotta use an umbrella, and wear clothes that dry out quickly.
We did see aerial footage of a few areas, and they look horrible.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Amazing muddy photos in the paper. I know you have at least one kayak there. How about scuba gear?

8:53 AM  

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