Thursday, March 26, 2009

More onwardness

Lucked out with a day that reached almost 60 degrees, causing incredulous coat removal; it was one of those on which I had a few hours of coverage for my mother, so could hike around catching up on some stuff I'd been needing to do. Seattle is a very walkable place, particularly from our neighborhood. If you have enough time, you can fan out on any direction to the tune of a few miles, get your errands run and exercise at the same time. That's barring obtaining any huge items you can't carry in a backpack. During my journey I found a Frecnh-ish bakery which had the most delectable coconut macaroons I've had in ages, fresh and chewy, with a golden crust. I only got one, not knowing how amazing they were, but it was enough to fuel my hiking along.
Certain neighborhoods, especially near Ballard, may be modest, but they seem to get more sun and warmth, so their cherry and plum trees were already flowering. It's terrible the way the huge condo building boom around that area has invaded the little houses like massive tumor growth; and from what you read, no one is buying into these behemoths. They're hideous, and forming sterile canyons along the streets.


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