Sunday, April 12, 2009

Peeps ahoy

They're the only holiday-related purchase it's hard to resist. So many holidays, so many forms of marshmellow goo; not my notion of a goody, but some people do appreciate them. It's a lightweight treat. Evidently they blow up dramatically in a microwave, too. I like to see what creative uses people put them to in dioramas and tableaux. I saw a cute one depicting that dumbass Idaho Repub - Larry Craig? - who was caught in the airport bathroom soliciting sex from the stall next door. The Seven Deadly Sins would be a fun challenge.


Anonymous Phil said...

I've got Lust (un)covered.

7:27 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

And what are you going to make those cute little yellow fluffs of marshmellow do?!

9:52 AM  

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