Sunday, March 14, 2010


The impetus for this entry; it could apply to lots of life these days, when we walk and try to remember our nonegenarian's experiences. Whatever or whomever we were trying to recall could not be brought to mind. We watched part of a PBS special called "Independent Lens: George and Rosemary", about a senior citizens' choir in Massachusetts. The basic premise of providing a musical outlet for old folks is good, but the song choices were anachronisitc for the seniors, as in being contemporary, more or less. The resulting performances had a mocking overtone - look at those wrinkly old things up there, rocking out - which made it uncomfortable to watch. If you like laughing at people doing things they don't even get, it was for you. Even our nonegenarian gave up, saying the music was strange and the people looked confused. We both thought they should have used music more of those people's era, such as old big band tunes.
Great idea, awkward execution.


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