Wednesday, February 02, 2005

... and yet another lovely day

The whole day my energy was pointed toward the afternoon climbing session, which turned out to be not as wonderful as I'd hoped it would be. I've been stalled on a plateau just for this indoor exercise, which seems kind of pathetic, but I'm past 50, so I ought to be thankful that I can do anything approaching what I do. I suppose I have fantasies of transcending my expectations, and when the reality doesn't approach them, I feel I'm not doing very well. How nice that I have the luxury to do so! I appreciate that.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to set my first lead route, which perhaps will be rewarding. I have to take down a route that I've really enjoyed over the months it's been up, so I hope I can match its creativity. I'm tired and sore, so I'm getting out of here...


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