Monday, September 11, 2006

Big ugly monster slavering in the room

At least one. Don't think about it. Get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, think of ways to build the opposition.


Blogger Unknown said...

But we are safe, no worries, but not too safe - just safe enough to keep you afraid we are not safe.

7:13 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

No, we are not safe from W./Rove et al. and you know, even if we can throw some of the bums out at this midterm, they will be mucking up the works next year. And they will do so for years to come.
Yes, terrorists may be out there, but at least we don't have to listen to their constant spewing of propaganda. And what does come our way, I think Rove manufactured it.
Up, and down... And in the end, it's only round and round and round... (We watched a Pink Floyd special concdert this evening.)

10:28 PM  

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