Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday - stick a fork in it

Gleaning some warmth out of the afternoon, my mom savors every sunny moment. She liked visiting with some new friends, as well as with more familiar ones we meet along our way.
No wonder people turn to images of puppies and kittens for distraction; it takes one's mind off the thought of pederasts in the US Congress. Of course the GOP will spin it as a homosexual crime, that slime Foley from Florida, but hitting on 16 year old boys is quite different than contact between adults. Once again, it's an abuse of power, by an older powerful male, on a vulnerable male child. Like the former mayor of Spokane, WA, Jim West, another smug self-righteous Republican who got caught in cybersex contact with teenaged boys. Watch out, Log Cabin Republicans. They'll throw you away if you're inconvenient for them, like they're starting to do to African American Republican candidates in close races.
Kitties - must view more baby kitties...


Blogger robin andrea said...

This is such an interesting scandal. I love the cover-up. It's always about the cover-up. Isn't it fascinating how they never remember that part? These people are as slimey, hypocritical, and perverted as it gets. I'm glad to know that I can still be amazed.

9:46 AM  

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