Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Al Gore for the world

Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is a strange little visual effort. None of the numbers and effects were new to me, I think I've seen or read about them for ages; it also seemed to jump around a bit. And not once was there any mention of the need to slow down human population growth. He did refer to how many billions of humans there will be on Earth by the end of his natural life expectancy - about 9 billion - but I suppose it opens too many cans of taboos to suggest that humans reproduce way too much and for a variety of lousy reasons. I for one have no qualms about saying that religious beliefs or societal traditions which keep the babies coming need to be halted, but for this lame world, which is like one big backward small town in its overall mentality, that would be too drastic, I suppose.
However, I don't see how Gore's message can do anything but help treat the planet's ills. The profitmongerers who are trying to discredit him live only in the present, utterly selfish, bound to their false free market beliefs. And for them, population control is bad, since it would cut into the supply of underlings needed to run their "free market" businesses. They are also denying global warming, for that, too, threatens their drive for profitmaking. I cock a snook at them, and wish them failure.
Well, I do like Mr. Gore. I have been thinking that finally getting the office he already won might ruin his life, but he's been keeping up a pretty busy schedule working on the global warming issue. Maybe it would be a comparative respite to be in the White House.


Blogger JS said...

I've just posted a rambling rant which suggests I'm not fond of any of them, including Gore. But my main concern with Gore may prove unfounded...if the Tennessee crowd's accusations of his energy use/abuse are lies (which is probable, in my view), then I'll move him back up a notch. I agree he's done a good bit to bring the critical importance of environmental issues to the forefront. Now, about your comment about too many you're talking my language! I once gave a speech that I entitled "The New Malthusian Imperative" that asserted there was a need for disincentives for having more than one child and incentives for couples who chose to have none. My argument was that we are pushing our planet to the edge of doom with our growing demands. Malthus was wrong in his predictions for various reasons, but his core argument that there would one day be more people than the land can support seems absolutely reasonable to me.

7:21 PM  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Now that the Gore energy use bs has been fleshed out and we find he is paying for more expensive green energy, lets get back to your post about over population. If we don't slow down and quit reproducing like rabbits, we're going to destroy what little beauty is left of our world.

7:19 AM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

We can't really fix much if we don't limit population growth. I don't hear anyone talking about that, and I think most candidates are really afraid. That's why things won't really change.

9:11 AM  

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