Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yo, mama

We both still have our mothers, and try to do our best for them. I'm still a mom, and am very happy to have the kid we do. As I watch my parent slowly wind down, I have to say it gives me pause. But she is as dedicated to peace and saving what bits are left un- or mildly de- spoiled on this planet as I am. She won't be around to see the horrors ahead, I am glad to think.
I hope all parents had some contact with loving family this day.


Blogger robin andrea said...

Roger and I both still have our mothers. It's one of the reasons we're moving back to California, so we can see them more regularly. I hope mother's day was a good one for you and yours.

7:57 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

I do understand your desire to be near parents while they'e still alive.
Thanks, we had a pleasant Mother's Day.

12:09 PM  

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