Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Ring of blue sky

We saw some, but they may have been hallucinations. The Newts in the book I just finished would adore this climate. The War with the Newts by Karel Capel is an amazing and brilliant piece of fiction. Not a warm and fuzzy bit of distraction, but packed with themes and shockingly prescient concepts about the behavior of the human race. Came out first in Czech in 1936, before WWII. You would think the writer had a time machine...
So cold, this morning, said the owner of the pet supplies store, that she could see her breath. So chilly this afternoon, I used up the last of my gift card on a steaming hot chocolate from Au Chocolat. Too damned nasty out for ice cream.


Blogger JS said...

The weather is insane. We had horrendous winds today, ripping through trees and tearing their leaves to shreds. A large limb was on the ground in my front yard when I got home. Here, the wind is hot, hot, hot! Today's hight, thus far (and probably the peak) was 98 at my house. Lows in the low 80s just before daylight. Madness, I say, risen from Hell!

5:51 PM  

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