Sunday, July 27, 2008


We're just hanging around, enjoying the summer; doing the daily work we need to do, getting out for walks and occasional bites. Lovely session at the gym - as lovely as that can be, indoors - with a great friend I haven't seen for a while. Her daughter was next in line for the U.S. national climbing team, so since another girl backed out, she gets to go to Sydney, Australia for the Worlds competition. She's decided it may be the only time she has the chance and money to go there, so will be off some time next month. College starts up for her not long after her return. She went to Ecuador last year for the Worlds, and said the Australians were wild and crazy and energetic, but not very good climbers. They provided lots of giant inflatable kangaroos and cheering, though.


Blogger JS said...

This has nothing to do with anything, but I thought it intriguing that you'd mention kangaroos in your post on the same day I used "kangaroo" as a password for clients to get access to their private resources on a website. This is, as I know you'll agree, proof positive of a "greater power" who from now on I'll call "Wally the Wallaby." Quick, I've got to get to a church and convulse on the floor!

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, are you in a novitiate to be a kangaroo handler?

5:01 AM  
Blogger JS said...

Phil, is it that obvious? And I've thought I was being so cool about it.

6:55 PM  

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