Monday, November 10, 2008

There are "0" birthdays, and "0" birthdays...

And we are creeping up to one rather larger than the others; oh, well. Just have to resist all those ads depicting the erasure of wrinkles and spots. I made it to a climbing gym for the third day in a row, and even denial of efforts exerted isn't fooling my aching muscles. Raking leaves was the coup de grace. When we were sitting at breakfast discussing a stupid newspaper headline declaring the "Fifty is the New Thirty!", I said I didn't feel as if I had as much energy as I did at thirty. (And yes, I know I'm well past fifty). The nonegenarian piped up,"I do!" I haven't inherited her astounding optimism, I guess.


Blogger FriĆ°vin said...

Happy Birthday, Isabelita.

My Outlook alarmed me two days ago to bring you good cheer. I fear I'm a day late. But whatever. I celebrate all week.

7:12 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Hey, Kona! Thanks very much for the birthday wishes! In fact, it's today, 11/11, so you're right on time. And yeah, I can see stretchin gout the festivities!

8:00 PM  
Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Hey, happy birthday a day late!

I hope there was cake!

I hope I feel 30 when I'm 90. Heck, I don't feel 30 now.

6:58 AM  

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