Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Gimping along

Turns out the toaster oven works on the Always On setting, but its timer is shot. It'll do for a while. We stroll along in the mild misty air, appreciating the fact that we don't live in the Midwest any more.
Short passage from an old Ursula Le Guin story which captures this region's climate: "Lenient and sweet in their length are the twilights of a latitude halfway between equator and pole: no tropic monotonies, no arctic absolutes, but a winter of long shadows and a summer of long dusks: gradations and accommodations of brightness, attenuations of clarity, subtleties and leisures of the light."
Well, when one isn't huddled and shivering in cold damp; it is, after all, fiction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a perfect description of our climate. I'll never write about the weather again.

8:51 PM  

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