Sunday, January 04, 2009

Purge time

A friend told me she uses this time of year to purge her home of unwanted stuff. Great idea, I just need to be seized with it. I just ain't much of a fussy boots.
Cold, cold, and we are due for more snow. Reading John Muir's mountaineering essays are a fine distraction, but there's far too much reference to a divine power in them for me. He only gets a pass from me due to the time of his existence; people should know better by now.


Blogger Taradharma said...

thanks for stopping by.

i, too, use any transitional time of year to purge the 'stuff' and 'junk' from my house. it feels grrrreeeaat! New Years purges work for me.

6:58 AM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

People should know better by now! That is so true, and so unlikely. I don't know what it is about that divine power stuff that people are so attracted to, but it sure seems to have some staying power.

8:49 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Hi, Tara - Well, I've been ignoring certain segments for a while, so I suppose it's time...

Robin a., I have some very severe thoughts on that problem, and they involve susperstition, irrationality, etc. For once I'd like to see some observations about nature that don't have one sngle taint of religion in them.

9:54 AM  

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