Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where to begin...?

A most enjoyable and unusual weekend, at the RCB marching band retreat at Fort Worden, up in Port Townsend; we were BCV's, Band Camp Virgins. The weather was really amazingly nice for all the threatening-looking clouds moving around, and while the band practiced, I walked on the beach. The theme this year was Alice in Wonderland; we missed Friday night's talent show, but Saturday, after marching practice was done, there was a wild croquet game, complete with people dressed as playing cards and acting like the movable wickets in the book. The evening party, the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, which commenced after evening rehearsal, became, um, curiouser and curiouser, as Alice was wont to observe. FABulous costumes, everything from minimal rabbit ears to full-on outfits, as well as a couple of guys as Alice in drag. One guy wore a home pregnancy test kit around his neck; when asked what he was, he said,"I'm late!" We left nearing midnight, and it did go on, moving to the party room at the other end of the dorm. There were people on Sunday morning who looked as if their skulls were about to fly apart. We, as Elder Statesfolks, dared not have indulged.
Sweet and fun people throughout the group, and I was informed that they were happy to have a couple of "straight but not narrow" people along.


Blogger Taradharma said...

wowzer! Sounds like a late 1970s acid trip. I'm always amazed at the energy, enthusiasm and creativity of people who go all out for events. I just don't have that level of "umph." More power to 'em.

4:55 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

TaraD., that's a good analogy! Well, most of them were younger than we are, and haven't learned that heavy partying takes a toll...

5:14 PM  

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