Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Big blast of fun!

Marching band season started tonight; we had a music practice and got a pile of new music, with a dance party theme. Such a different feel to the group, and some of the serious musicians have picked up other instruments, such as one of the bassoonists, who has a sax and is thrilled to be working on much easier material. She and I want to get out hands on the Holst piece chosen for an upcoming concert season, "The Planets". The bassoon part sounds incredibly difficult, and whether I get second or third clarinet, no doubt it will be challenging. Meanwhile, we're heading into fun and lightness of being.


Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Sounds like you are having a great time with it.

Fun and lightness of being? I need to find that! Draw me a map?

4:38 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

There you are again! Great! Hey, have you ever been to Joshua Tree NP? Talk about piles of cool-looking rocks...
Yeah, well, it's so horrible here, I'm getting delusional. We're going out for a walk, and wearing winter gloves, for pete's sake...

7:20 PM  

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