Friday, March 25, 2005

Still in progress

Sweet to see the dear spouse home again! He's been traveling a fair amount lately, but now he's within reach. Arm's reach.
Went off early this afternoon to strip old routes and set a new one at the climbing gym. Thought I'd attempt a stemming problem, which proved to be a bit challenging. Outside on real rock, one doesn't need to aim for specifically marked holds, but it's all ya got in a climbing gym. The little route in the corner came out nicely.
Came home to make a big batch home made fettucine noodles, threw in some cannelini beans, garlic, onion and cilantro, and we sat down for a family dinner. The conversation wound around to literature, and my mom contributed her opinion on the collection of Hemingway's earliest fourty nine stories she hs been plugging away on: that not much seems to happen in many of them. Interesting observation - and welcome to one of the threads of Modern Literature!


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