Monday, April 17, 2006

Must be a trick

It's sunny, and nice out... we got in some walks, a trip to the hair joint. One of our usual routines. Very tired today from a crummy night's sleep, but I went over to do a climbing workout with one of my friends. Short yet satisfying round of routes.
Ah, now in early evening the skies are bruised and ominous-looking. That's more like it.
Watched a newer version of "Pollyanna" with my mother, done up proper by a UK operation. Many faces familiar from various PBS productions, including Jennifer Saunders as the hypochondriacal bed-ridden Mrs. Snow. Saunders played Edina on "Absolutely Fabulous," and was all but unrecognizable as a cranky fat crone in "Pollyanna." No, really, she looked absolutely horrendous, but did the character up well. But good grief, after several of Pollyanna's saccharine sessions of the Glad Game, I began mocking the activity, simpering artificially about how GLAD I was about this and that; my mother laughed until she nearly wept.
Above all, we should be GLAD this entertainment was brought to us by - EXXON MOBILE THEATER!! Gack.


Blogger Unknown said...


We have sun here too for a change. Makes for two days in a row.

I do enjoy the old (but I haven't seen it in a long while), original black and white version of Pollyanna. It's an enjoyable movie, and most certainly not brought to you by the war-time profiteers at Exxon etc...

12:08 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Aren't you GLAD that it's sunny again!
And today it's so nice I think I might run in shorts.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

That fuckin' Pollyanna! You just KNEW she was going to take a P.R. job with Exxon...

2:24 AM  

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