Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Where has our hairdo magician gone?

The little salon where my mom has been going since she got here got forced out of its space, owing to a tripling of rent by the landlord . "She's a real asshole," declared the older European stylist fellow who informed us about their trials. Two of them had to bail to a place up the street, not so far away, but the other two had to find space in another neighborhood. Ah, the results of our crazy real estate market. Greed abounds. It's doubtful if the rent gouger will really be able to make more dough, unless she plans to tear down the building and go up into condos, a possibility. More little businesses are drowned in the bathtub.
Off to the weekly Drinking Liberally this evening, with a few local political luminaries on hand, Jay Inslee, Jamie Pedersen, whom I've been skeptical about, but he's working against I-933, so that's enough to put him in my good graces. I met a friend, who was so tired she left before the main attraction appeared, Cindy Sheehan. I was just heading towards the door when she arrived, so I got to shake her hand and exchange a few words. She has a firm grip, and looked sad and determined.


Blogger robin andrea said...

Very cool that you met Cindy Sheehan and shook her hand. I collect handshakes. I have a hand-shaking theory, which is that you get to virtually shake hands with everyone that Cindy has touched. You just received a lot of very cool handshakes. When we meet, you will have to shake my hand. I can give you Abbie Hoffman, and you can give me Cindy Sheehan. Very cool.

3:36 PM  

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