Thursday, November 02, 2006

"If your morning didn't start out with rain, you must be somewhere else."

The actual forecast for today, in our own dear Seattle Post-Intelligencer this morning; the rest of the week is a whirl of precipitational descriptors. One must be insanely optimistic to write this stuff, it's worse than making up paint colors.
This is good weather for making bread. Someone in the household has expressed an interest in making granola, too, so it's just gonna turn into a good ole-fashioned bake-a-thon round here. And there'll be another birthday cake in about a week...


Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

Naming paint colors? My, it must be dreary. about "November in Seattle"? A soggy gray that never dries? Bake! Bake! Well, if it helps, it's colder than Republican crap here...but it's dry.

9:50 PM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

We have been having intermittent periods of lighter grey! Actually saw a bit of deep orange in the sky this morning when the sun rose. It quickly was gobbled up by the clouds, but I ran out there to take a good long look.

I'm still baking two loaves of rye bread every week. I tried granola a couple of months ago, and let it go perhaps a minute too long in the oven. Amazing how inedible even a slightly overly-darkened sweet oat can be.

8:30 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Neil, you've nailed it! Maybe the Navy would buy that gray...

Robin, I'm still going to go running. The mist, sprinkles, drizzles and showers are, uh, refreshing when you're moving fast enough to stay warm...
Thanks for the reminder about scorched granola...

1:35 PM  
Blogger FriĆ°vin said...

I read about an island just ouside Seattle that gets 300+ days of sun a year. That's where I'd have to live. Do you know which one it is? I can't remember.

9:16 AM  

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