Friday, October 27, 2006


It was, but that didn't do us much good. We had a medical emergency late this morning that ate up pretty much the heart of the day. All ended well, but the most we saw of the lovely clearing sky was out of a window in an ER room, from what seemed like the bottom of a well. We did watch quite a bit of Animal Planet, which was featuring a show about a chimpanzee group in Tanzania. Man, the ousted old bully who continued to harrass the family sure looked a lot like Dick Cheney in an ape suit. My mother observed how horribly their behavior resembled human males'.


Blogger robin andrea said...

Sorry to hear about the medical emergency that pulled you from the sunny skies. Glad that everything worked out. We took a walk Friday afternoon, and it was lovely. Saw my first Pileated Woodpecker. Wow. Quite an impressively large bird. Saturday afternoon was clear here too. Warm. We pulled out comfy chairs and sat with the sun on our faces, trying to get enough of it to last through the darkening days.

7:47 PM  
Blogger JS said...

I'm glad everything turned out alright. Medical emergencies can be scary.

6:21 AM  

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