Wave of relief?
Okay, so a few things might work out. California got rid of that fat shit Richard Pombo, and maybe the Dems will show some guts. A big outrageous issue: The corporaterians robbed the country. They need to pay it back, and if they can't be hunted down, held by their ankles and shaken, not stirred, until the money's retrieved, then they shall be taxed until white and anemic. Edith Wharton shall be in the bag tonight.
A very interesting concept, instead of calling it taxes, why not call it pay back for all the money these bastards have stolen from the public coffers. I like it.
I am so surprised that we took back both houses. It is a most delightful outcome.
I'm still awaiting evidence of a democratic spine...but maybe, just maybe...
Yeah, might be fun to be one of the "bagmen!" Well,Robin,unfortunately I figure Bush will do absolutely nothing to work with Congress, but perhaps some bit of clean up will get done.
'spike, now we shall see if there are truly valuable Dems, not just posers and fakes.
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