Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Strange behavior

Full moon waxing must be part of it; I saw things last night on a little errand to a local convenience store that seemed inexplicable. One involved an angry man, who looked as if he were trying to break into a van. He started yelling,"Open the lock! OPEN THE LOCK!" As I passed, I saw a grim-faced woman sitting in the front passenger seat, staring stonily ahead. When I reached the store - affectionately referred to as "the ghetto mart" by some waggish people in the neighborhood - the owner was engaged in some odd and potentially dangerous behavior, which he called "the penny game." A certain beloved spouse of mine will have more to say about this at his joint, Perils of Caffeine in the Evening. Let me just say it involved a golf club.
On my way home, the van was still sitting there, with the stony-faced woman also still in her spot, staring motionlessly. The angry man was nowhere in sight. A cat yowled in the distance.


Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

You pack a week's worth of weirdness into one night's walk!

7:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, my. Sounds fishy and a lot like domestic violence gone ary to me.

5:06 PM  

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