Thursday, February 15, 2007

Saved by the hippy dude

Well, old Brautigan is an odd one, and definitely a precurser to Hunter S. Thompson, who surely must have read Brautigan's stuff. Wiggy, trippy, quirky, sometimes unintelligible, but frequently funny, in strange ways. Disjointed, probably owing to the consumption of many joints.


Blogger Ulrike said...

I happened upon your blog and enjoyed your writing and observations.
Where does the title "Learning to Sequence" come from?

6:08 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Hello, deborah - do you have a blog yourself? How did you find this one?
About its name - sequencing in rock climbing means figuring out the most elegant way to go up a route. It's the hardest part for me, so this is a sort of ironically titled site. Writing is very hard, I think, at least good writing. I love reading it, but find it's very hard to produce.

10:34 AM  
Blogger FriĆ°vin said...

Cool. One less question for me to ask!

8:41 AM  

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