Friday, August 03, 2007

Tempted to cartwheel

Almost back to normal; feeling humbled. Big drama in the hood: Our dear sweet friend across the street who has chickens suffered the loss of one of the two young ones she got a while ago. Some thoughtless idiots up the street left a window open on the ground floor of their house, and a large white dog got out and came down to our friends', somehow pushed the side door to their garage open, snatched up one of the young chickens, killed it and ate it. Its feathers were strewn all the way up the block, and a pile of grisly remains is in the side yard from whence the chicken thieving animal came. We told our friend that back in Ohio, if a dog got a taste for chickens, it was taken out and shot, but of course we don't have that option here in 21st century Seattle. More as it breaks...


Blogger JS said...

Sorry to hear of your friends' bad fortune (and even worse fortune for the chicken). Having read your post, I'm going to look over my shoulder when eating chicken from now on, hoping that no one from Ohio is watching...

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unlike John, I guess, I've never eaten a live chicken. So I fear no Ohioan.

6:04 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

mfm, if you didn't steal the chicken, you'll have no worries - and I'll wrrant there are far more trigger-happy folks in Texas than in Ohio these days...;)

kathyr, even that stupid dog killed the poor little bird before he et it; another neighbor saw it in the act of shaking the bird to death.
Fear the "cowboys" in the White house, from Texas and Wyoming instead...

11:04 AM  

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