Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A certain transparent quality

Another way to consider fog; it seemed translucent, and definitely promised, and delivered, sun and warmth.
Further reconsideration of the Murdoch novel I'm reading: There is a wonderfully strange thread interspersed through the narrative which is a rejiggered kind of princess captive in a castle story, with a young male protagonist sort of marooned in a fascinatingly imagined landscape with three women, one of whom is his stepmother and two who are supposedly his half-sisters. Murdoch is expert, when on her game, at subtly twisting things so that the reader finds herself in doubt of just about every part of the story. Fabulous landscape description, which I relish; a soupcon too much of otherworldly bits, but I'll take it anyway.


Blogger robin andrea said...

We're having fog here too. It didn't burn off on Halloween, and this morning it's so thick, it's drizzling. Somewhere the sun must be shining.

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are becoming like the Eskimos with their multiple words for "snow." Except you have multiple descriptions for "fog."

8:49 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Well, just trying to practice writing a few sentences in a row; fog is the appropriate metaphor lately...

11:34 AM  

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