Monday, December 03, 2007

Living in caves

Feels like it lately, in many ways; my theory about the rain is that it's because more water is in the earth's atmospheric system due to the melting polar ice. As the weather worsens, concurrently so does human behavior, from the poisonous likes of Maureen Dowd, beer bottle openers catchily named "The Moaner Lisa" - Shakespeare's Sister has an expose on the revolting line up of Neanderthalian gadgets on the market lately - all the way down the hellish continuum to devastation of the environment and needless bloodshed. In a nutshell, and it's floating madly downstream, like Queen Mab's chariot; yes, I do wonder if there's any point to long term hope. Where are the pineapples?


Blogger JS said...

Sorry to hear the weather and the various environments are dragging you down. Time will tell about the long term hope. In the interim, look for the pineapples whereever you can find them. I think you should suggest to Mr. Perils that a trip to Bermuda might be just the ticket for pre-holiday blues. OK, if not Bermuda, the Galapagos. Someplace.

7:16 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Wise words, mfm, about looking for those pineapples!
Ah, we'll figure out some kind of break that will work for everybody, eventually.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

No pineapples, but here's a little reminder of our pseudo-tropical vacation Saturday of Tgiving weekend:

3:27 AM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

By now all those pineapples have flown east, and you are basking in the afterglow of balmy Hawaiian temps. Right?

7:35 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Yes, that was a pleasant respite, P!
No, we are not, robin a., but at least the waters are receding a little.

10:27 AM  

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