Thursday, January 10, 2008


We fought off gloom with home made pizza; no semi-vegetarians home at the moment, so I could sneak on the Italian wine salami. Just a little bit, since it's probably not so hot for us. Sometimes I wonder, though, about all the foods doused in preservatives we grew up eating; when my mother took us to the local butcher shop, for example, we excitedly anticipated the treat he always gave us: Cold hot dogs. We loved bologna, summer sausage from Figi's in Wisconsin; we adored Wonder Bread. Maybe we became immune to the efffects of nitrites.
Hah! A motive revealed in the mind of Murdoch's "saintly" wife protagonist: She wants the illegitimate boy born to her husband by his mistress, although the poor kid appears to be kind of autistic. Bad juju setting up here, since she already has a 14 year old son, who is fiendishly perceptive about the adults' behavior. Murdoch can creat imminent horrors in the sunny confines of an English garden.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See? See? I knew she was after the kid.

I like to believe that all that stuff we ate when we were kids acts as preservatives on us, too.

I can dream, can't I?

8:47 PM  

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