Thursday, March 27, 2008

Brain food

Having mowed down the entire Maupin collection, I have returned to Borges's labyrinths. There are occasional pearls, which even a philosophy nonappreciator can admire.
It's surreal to be watching snow fall.


Blogger Unknown said...

Snow up your way? My goodness...what's next/

1:28 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Gah. Just heard from a friend who moved to the SF area; they are in Redwood City, and she says it's been warm enough to start planting a vegetable garden.
Ah, well. Tongiht it's dropping into the 30's. We'll make it up on the other end of the seasons...

10:28 PM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

At some point the La Nina conditions will diminish, and we'll actually have a spring. Right?

8:45 AM  

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