Monday, May 12, 2008

Choring around

Had to use up some "ole" to carry things home; usually I can avoid it by walking, or carpooling. We are to be plunged into dripping cold darkness again, then slammed by a "heat wave." We shiver, while Barcelona is so dried up it is shipping water in to meet needs. Does this make us grateful for our mossy soggy region?
Oh, still reading Voss; but the main protagonist just shot his pet sheep dog, which he considered a frippery since they'd abandoned the remaining sheep. I'm sure more animals will die, and pretty soon, some human members of the party. Only the amazing language keeps me peeking into its book covers.
Here Herr Voss enquires of a sick expedition member:
" 'Tell me, Frank,"he asked,'do you feel any easier?'
'No,' replied the yellow face, from which a string of milk hung. 'It is very distressing. Everything fluctuates, and my mind and body will not coincide.' "


Blogger robin andrea said...

Oh yes, just read about the heat wave. There is no balance in the world anymore. It never got above 50 degrees yesterday, and now something approaching 90 looms. I don't like any of this. I wish I had another planet I could flee to.

8:35 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Strange days, robin a. There's always inner space...

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Cara Paling Ampuh Mengobati penyakit Hipotiroid said...

Very Nice Blog Updation Keep Updating !!

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12:54 AM  

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