Friday, June 20, 2008

Increments towards paradise

By late afternoon, it had offically been Summer for about two hours, and the nonegenarian managed three separate walks during the course of the day. The lawn got mowed, enough pruning and weed yanking accomplished to fill up the yard waste bin, and the day was ambrosially nice.
Just had to get some ice cream for a late lunch, after all that yard work; two mini scoops, of a chocolate like no other and the scout mint. I'm counting it as a dairy serving.


Blogger FriĆ°vin said...

I haven't made ice cream in eons despite the fact that I bought an ice cream maker attachment about 2 years ago which fits my KitchenAid mixer.

In a hot Texas summer, all I can think about is a bowl of lemon ice cream. That should be on my afternoon to-do list.

6:01 AM  
Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Oh. Lemon ice cream sounds divine.

Your 90-something mother walks more than I do. How much did she walk when she was 47? Do I really have to start now?

3:44 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Lemon sounds pretty good, but this ice cram joint I've been going to has a salted caramel flavor, too, and creamsicle....

She did start around that age, Kathyr. My dad made her get out, and they did anywhere from 1-2 miles every evening. Plus they went swimming acouple days a week, she did yoga, and water arobics.
Hey, you could do those in your pool.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to steer you all to a client of mine, who holds a patent and distributes this ice cream maker:

you put your own ingredients into the can, then get your hyperactive kids to roll it around for 20 minutes.

11:31 PM  

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