No blowing stuff up
Fortunately no one at our house is still infantile enough to want to waste money on holiday explosives. Not so fortunately, there are far too many morons who persist in such fun. We saw some young thugs take a pot of irises a friend and neighbor had set out with a "Free" sign on them for anyone who might be interested in adding them to a planting area, stick a large piece of ordinance in the plants, and light it. Yeah, yeah, boys will be idiots, etc., but this crap harks back to days so yore it needs to end. It won't, since humankind is now devolving.
It's not "just one night out of the year", either; it started a couple of weeks ago, and will continue until the supplies are exhausted. After tonight's official blowing up stuff for about 20 minutes, sponsored by local businesses, detonations will continue into the wee hours. Which will make me want to blow things up.
It's not "just one night out of the year", either; it started a couple of weeks ago, and will continue until the supplies are exhausted. After tonight's official blowing up stuff for about 20 minutes, sponsored by local businesses, detonations will continue into the wee hours. Which will make me want to blow things up.
I'm with you. Little bastards are being taught or permitted their idiocies by their irresponsible parents. I'm in favor of the occasional flogging with rubber hoses for violators of intelligent decorum.
If you can't beat 'em, blow 'em up?
kathyr, that seems OK, I'll buy that approach. At the moment, anyway.
A couple of neighborhood yahoos decided to carry on well into the night, lighting what sounded like whole rows of firecrackers at once. Of course they had to follow with even more ridiculous bombing sounding toys. I fantasized about having a gun, going over to their house and asking them if they'd like to hear the sound of the real thing. I think it should be a $100 fine each time someone throws a firecracker after 10:00 pm.
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