Saturday, February 26, 2005

Mamacita's 87th birthday

We started out the day with a walk to Hiroki's patisserie a little before noon, and picked up a birthday brownie. Many felicitations from the owner, who seems to like Mother. I got out for a nice jaunt up in the Woodland Park hills, around the outside border of the Zoo, and back along the northwest corner of Green Lake.
Another walk for my mom, then phone calls and singing of Happy Birthday by my brother and his daughters. The afternoon sped away, and we went out to take her to dinner. The Afghan restaurant proved to be overflowing, so we wandered along 45th until we passed a new little place called Clara's. The owner is from Hawaii, so has a bit of that island diner thing going on.
We went to one of our neighbors' house to have a glass of wine and conversation with another set of neighbors. All in all a pleasant evening.


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